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Ashley hard at work

Please allow me to introduce myself and tell you about my journey of how I became a baker. I am Ashley Hammond, owner, and operator of Southern Gals Desserts.  Beginning just in my toddler years, my father allowed me to assist him, as he also taught me how to bake from his grandmother’s recipes. This was our special time together. My Father’s love for baking and bringing others joy was infectious and that passion was passed down to me.  As time passed and I became older, I began experimenting, creating, and constructing my own recipes and I established a skill for decorating. I soon developed my own original recipe during my college years.  The job I landed during my time in college, which is still my current employment was very instrumental in helping me achieve my goal of owning my own business.

My employer and mentor guided me on the fundamentals of business.  She helped me gain recognition through her contacts and expertise in marketing.  Because of my mentor and father, I am successful.  After just a year of my official launch, my business and dream have grown tremendously.  I am excited to be able to share my passion and love for baking with others.